Saturday, July 11, 2009


i am going to m14 tomorrow (sunday, 12th of July) at 16:00. if someone wants to go earlier please let me know as soon as possible.


a small change. i am only going around 15:30/16:00 to M14.sorry

Friday, July 10, 2009


Hi there guys
so its like this, I have the keys for the arbeitsraum in M14, where we are folding the maps. we have this weekend to do, i was guessing in going tomorrow there after lunch, around 14/14:30.
what do you think?
any doubt just write me a mail, post a comment or call me.

see you soon

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Fixed Text for the Women:

I have fixed the texts for the woman as well:

Woman 1:

Welcome To Broke Islands! My team and I would like to welcome and show you around all the islands that encompass Broke Islands. They will each explain the islands to you in a very different way.

Woman 2:

Hello, in our guided tour we offer the great sight-seeing and beautiful architecture, loads of history and stories about the island.

Woman 3:

Broke Islands is where desire becomes reality and shopping is a must, We pride ourselves on great gift giving and loads of ways to pamper yourself galore! Be sure to check out our world famous shopping tour where I will show you the best places to shop for he best prices!

Woman 4:

Hi there, Broke islands is know for great design. We also strive to have the best culture, art and architecture fairs. We also have art fairs and expositions held daily. I will show you around, although you only have to look to discover the beautiful nuances of Broke.

Fixed Text for Back Cover:

I have corrected the text here:

Things you should bring:
An open mind! Be prepared for anything and everything (cultural, social, economic, climatic changes, etc.) and high economical levels. Remember to have a sense of adventure and discovery! Bring sunglasses, sun cream, bathing-suit, contraceptives, an empty bag, a camera, a friend, a good mood, and you inner imagination!

Things you should NOT bring:
Pleas don't bring any tight clothes, high heels, cheap labor, boredom, laziness, pollution, waste, your own car, poverty, gentrification, a crisis, confusion, disorders, disorganization, rebellion or prejudices of any kind!

Monday, July 6, 2009

women texts

I made the short text to come with the women:

They have to be in this order:

Woman 1:

Welcome To Broke Islands, my team and me want to welcome you and show you around, through all the islands. Each of them will show you the islands on a totally different way:

Woman 2:

Hello, in our guided tour we offer the greatest sight-seeing and nicest architecture & buildings, history and gossip, and every small story you want to hear

Woman 3:

Broke Islands is where desire becomes reality and shopping is a must, lots of gifts and gift baskets are to be discovered, and of course something nice to treat yourself, it s all waiting for you to be discovered. Come on the shopping tour and I will show you the best places!

Woman 4:

Hi there, Broke islands is know for its design, but we try, day after day, to reach a climax in cultural experiences, design and architecture fairs, art biennales and expositions are held, I will show you around, you only have to look and discover.

Sunday, July 5, 2009


video is great but only manuel sent me his file
jan, marjan, katatonia, bilboheim????

no files, no magazine, no performance.............

here manuel's suggestion for the back cover:

What you should bring:
open mind; prepared for everything (cultural, social, economic, climatic changes), high economical level, sense of adventure and discovery, sunglasses and sun cream, bathing-suit; contraceptives, an empty bag, photo camera, a friend, good mood, imagination

What you shouldnt bring:
too fitted, high heels, cheap labor; boredom, laziness; pollution;your own car; poverty; gentrification; crisis, confusion, disorder, disorganization, rebellion; prejudice

feed back??

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Broke performance

...but everyone in blue. (click on the tittle to see the video)

Thursday, July 2, 2009

final meeting

hi everyone

the last details have to be sorted out,
we need to bring the file to print on monday.

katatonia island has to be remade

bilboheim has to be refined

details on design, text and credits have to be discussed
plus finances.

please come to the M10 saturday at 14:00.

best daniela

Saturday, June 20, 2009


Welcome to ZOLLADAPT, the island that produces happiness.

Zolladapt is an island with a factory, which is the beating heart of the island. The inhabitants of Zolladapt are always happy, it does not matter in which region they live, reality, utopia or distopia. Each of these 3 zones of the island produces happiness and happy people in their own specific way.

Everything in the happy-factory-island, Zolladapt, is being consumed; people, and their energy, the products created by the robot, and even the waste. It’s all being used, to ‘feed’ the factory or to make the inhabitants happy.

They need each other to survive, citizens have a duty towards the robot to stay alive, and vice versa. The robot is activated by the energy of human labor, day and night, the energy of this factory creates various products. On the one hand there are the perfumes which comes through the chimneys in the sky, flowers and trees on the land, and lots of unnecessary products ready to be consumed in utopia.

On the other hand, the robot produces waist and garbage, which is released in distopia. The inhabitants of distopia can consume this garbage as food and gain more happiness by consummig the garbage.

The vibrant atmosphere of Zolladapt is further enhanced by picturesque flowerfields, untouched forests, belvederes and panoramic terraces, impressive monuments, garbage that is being consumed, chimneys perfuming the air and colouring the water, spacious parks and the wide ocean, all of this together, resulting in an active cultural life, bringing together the three groups of people in one happy island.

As you can read this island is like an ocean of happiness, wellworth a visit!

Come & discover Zolladapt!

History of Zolladapt (1 discovering land, 2 IR, 3 dead industrie 4 new life)

Almost 250 years ago, a man arrived to an island, it was a beautiful island, with undiscoverd nature, but it was lonely and deserted, in the middle of wide the ocean. The man was alone on the island, and after being there for a while, discovering all the beauty it has to offer, he became lonely and decided to create a very huge robot. He called the island Zolladapt, because they created a duty towards eachother, from now on, they would have to keep eachother alive, this was the beginning of a new era.

Once the robot was activated, the island started to live and give life, more and more. Every day more people came to the island to see the robot in real live, and every day more and more people wanted to live here. The population kept growing and a real living factory-island was born.

The under-water-part of the robot was called Dystopia, a place where you can discover the new, great smell of pollution, creating lots of new colours and perspectives under the waterlevel, deep in the ocean. This region became also very famous for it’s pet, who lives under the water and is just like the inhabtitants of Dystopia feeded with the waste and garbage produced by the robot. It’s really fun to play with him!

High in the sky the robot also created Utopia, an other paradise on the island. Everything there is nice and beautifull, the smoke of the chimneys produces a flower perfume, and makes everyone happy. These people have everything they need, and lots more, but who cares! As long as as they can consume they will be happy!

That’s how live in Zolladapt began, and how it’s still going, and how it will go for ever. The Zolladapters will live long and happily after after.

Personal reviews

1// I’m Jeanne, i’m 87 years old and i live in Dystopia. I’ve always lived on the island, i love it! It is so green, and there are so many factories, i can work all the time, and that makes me happy. When i’m not working, i go to my house under the sea, it so beautiful there, the smoke gives so much colours to the water, and sometimes i play with Ferro, our pet, he’s is so nice to play with! i like my live here, I never want to leave this place, not even for all the money in Broke!

2// hi my name is Hanz, i’m almost 100 (in a few months), I come from Germany, but moved to Zolladapt. I used to work and still do work in the robot, for over 50 years now. It gives me a great feeling, knowing that i am part of keeping our robot alive. I love Dystopia, and i’m happy the robot creates such nice garbage. I’m happy I moved here, and I never want to leave the island anymore, maybe in a few years i would like to change the envirnment a bit, but never go away from the robot, so maybe i can move to reality.. anyway, i’m very happy now, and i will see what the future brings!

3// I’m Kimberly, I am amost 16 years old now, which means i can almost start working in the factory, i’m so excited for my first day at work. I am very curious about what the robot looks like on the inside, but i’m even more motivated to be able to work and give my energy to the robot. But for now, i’m just happy to live on this beautiful island!

4// my name is Evi, i’m a visitor of Zolladapt, I just arrived on the island, and i am looking forward to visit the robot. I can feel a very atmosphere here on the island. I have just visited Dystopia, I can tell you this, I love the way the robot looks under te water and the polltion under water is beatuful. Seeing this made me even more excited to go inside. Let’s go and see!

What about you?

Thursday, June 18, 2009


HI everyone

I hope the last 3 weeks were very productive and that you all have instigating material to show us tomorrow. please do not forget the critical reflexion to our case studies, i.e.

1. touristification through star system architecture in bilbao,
2. gentrification through big international events in barcelona,
3. participatory urban design preventing gentrification in hamburg port area,

industrial heritage:
4. "creative class" as generator for new urban development in leipzig,
5. reconvertion and creation of new identities and landscapes for old coalmine areas.

the schedule is:

in the morning all the 5 groups will show their "islands", main concept, images and texts. we will discuss and evaluate each work, and in the afternoon we will decide how to place them all together in our map format. please bring the final files both in digital and printed format. we will hang everything on the wall.

the design group will show their proposals for corporate id, logo, cover and content display. also the selection of how many and which colours according to the costs presented by the printing shops.

after everything chosen and decided we will share the final production among everyone:

text editing, photo editing, composition, review.

on saturday we have to have the final version ready!

please bring all your files (if photoshop, bring older versions with layers), sketches, computers, USB sticks, extension cables to plug the computers and etc...

I am looking forward for the next session of our Broke

see you tomorrow

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Paula&Kevin Island


This is the Hamburg's island that we have desinged