Saturday, November 29, 2008

getting started

Broke#1 has been published on the summer 2008, as an outcome of the seminar "arm aber sexy" I conducted within the framework of my PhD research at the Architecture Faculty at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.

Broke#2 - or 2 BROKE - will be published this winter. It is being developed by an interdisciplinary group of 22 people that is doing a block seminar with me in the current winter semester. This block seminar aims to create an open platform of discussion, where the idea of "urban sexiness" can be questioned and investigated. The magazine is an evolving process, where the group decides together - based on classroom exercises, open discussions and personal experiences - on content and format. This blog is a space for the participants (who are at the same time the editors and designers of 2 BROKE) to do some brainstormings, upload their doubts and desires, as well as to open up topics of discussion with the public in general.

One important feature to be highlighted is that Broke editors have very different backgrounds, mother languages and of course points of view. They were born in Alicante, Albacete, Athens, Bandung, Bangalore, Beja, Berlin, Cárceres, Erfurt, Galway, Ibadan, Jakarta, Leipzig, Madrid, Paderborn, Pittsburg, Rennes, Rio de Janeiro, Russelsheim and Santiago (Guatemala); and they have lived in: Acera, Amsterdam, Angers, Antananavivo, Bonn, Brighton, Carceres, Chachoengsao, Chicago, Coimbra, Darmstadt, Delhi, Dijon, Dresden, Dublin, Essex, Eisenach, Frankfurt (Oder), Helsinki, Ithaca, Kingstown, Lagos, La Paz, Lisbon, London, Mainz, Miami, Mumbai, New York, Oxford, São Paulo, Serpa,The Valley, Toronto, Valos, Vancouver, Vienna, Washington and Zürich. uff.

So this big blend of experiences - I suppose and expect - will give us a multiplicity of perspectives and provocations on what a "sexy city" might be. So, everyone welcome! I hope we will have here some space to go through interesting debates, disturbing agreements and loving conflicts....

... let's post!

1 comment:

eduzal said...

arm aber sexy, acho que me encaixo nessa categoria...
