Saturday, July 11, 2009
i am going to m14 tomorrow (sunday, 12th of July) at 16:00. if someone wants to go earlier please let me know as soon as possible.
Friday, July 10, 2009
so its like this, I have the keys for the arbeitsraum in M14, where we are folding the maps. we have this weekend to do, i was guessing in going tomorrow there after lunch, around 14/14:30.
what do you think?
any doubt just write me a mail, post a comment or call me.
see you soon
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Fixed Text for the Women:
I have fixed the texts for the woman as well:
Woman 1:
Welcome To Broke Islands! My team and I would like to welcome and show you around all the islands that encompass Broke Islands. They will each explain the islands to you in a very different way.
Woman 2:
Hello, in our guided tour we offer the great sight-seeing and beautiful architecture, loads of history and stories about the island.
Woman 3:
Broke Islands is where desire becomes reality and shopping is a must, We pride ourselves on great gift giving and loads of ways to pamper yourself galore! Be sure to check out our world famous shopping tour where I will show you the best places to shop for he best prices!
Woman 4:
Hi there, Broke islands is know for great design. We also strive to have the best culture, art and architecture fairs. We also have art fairs and expositions held daily. I will show you around, although you only have to look to discover the beautiful nuances of Broke.
Fixed Text for Back Cover:
Things you should bring:
An open mind! Be prepared for anything and everything (cultural, social, economic, climatic changes, etc.) and high economical levels. Remember to have a sense of adventure and discovery! Bring sunglasses, sun cream, bathing-suit, contraceptives, an empty bag, a camera, a friend, a good mood, and you inner imagination!
Things you should NOT bring:
Pleas don't bring any tight clothes, high heels, cheap labor, boredom, laziness, pollution, waste, your own car, poverty, gentrification, a crisis, confusion, disorders, disorganization, rebellion or prejudices of any kind!
Monday, July 6, 2009
women texts
I made the short text to come with the women:
They have to be in this order:
Woman 1:
Welcome To Broke Islands, my team and me want to welcome you and show you around, through all the islands. Each of them will show you the islands on a totally different way:
Woman 2:
Hello, in our guided tour we offer the greatest sight-seeing and nicest architecture & buildings, history and gossip, and every small story you want to hear
Woman 3:
Broke Islands is where desire becomes reality and shopping is a must, lots of gifts and gift baskets are to be discovered, and of course something nice to treat yourself, it s all waiting for you to be discovered. Come on the shopping tour and I will show you the best places!
Woman 4:
Hi there, Broke islands is know for its design, but we try, day after day, to reach a climax in cultural experiences, design and architecture fairs, art biennales and expositions are held, I will show you around, you only have to look and discover.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
jan, marjan, katatonia, bilboheim????
no files, no magazine, no performance.............
here manuel's suggestion for the back cover:
What you should bring:
open mind; prepared for everything (cultural, social, economic, climatic changes), high economical level, sense of adventure and discovery, sunglasses and sun cream, bathing-suit; contraceptives, an empty bag, photo camera, a friend, good mood, imagination
What you shouldnt bring:
too fitted, high heels, cheap labor; boredom, laziness; pollution;your own car; poverty; gentrification; crisis, confusion, disorder, disorganization, rebellion; prejudice
feed back??
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Thursday, July 2, 2009
final meeting
the last details have to be sorted out,
we need to bring the file to print on monday.
katatonia island has to be remade
bilboheim has to be refined
details on design, text and credits have to be discussed
plus finances.
please come to the M10 saturday at 14:00.
best daniela
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Welcome to ZOLLADAPT, the island that produces happiness.
Zolladapt is an island with a factory, which is the beating heart of the island. The inhabitants of Zolladapt are always happy, it does not matter in which region they live, reality, utopia or distopia. Each of these 3 zones of the island produces happiness and happy people in their own specific way.
Everything in the happy-factory-island, Zolladapt, is being consumed; people, and their energy, the products created by the robot, and even the waste. It’s all being used, to ‘feed’ the factory or to make the inhabitants happy.
They need each other to survive, citizens have a duty towards the robot to stay alive, and vice versa. The robot is activated by the energy of human labor, day and night, the energy of this factory creates various products. On the one hand there are the perfumes which comes through the chimneys in the sky, flowers and trees on the land, and lots of unnecessary products ready to be consumed in utopia.
On the other hand, the robot produces waist and garbage, which is released in distopia. The inhabitants of distopia can consume this garbage as food and gain more happiness by consummig the garbage.
The vibrant atmosphere of Zolladapt is further enhanced by picturesque flowerfields, untouched forests, belvederes and panoramic terraces, impressive monuments, garbage that is being consumed, chimneys perfuming the air and colouring the water, spacious parks and the wide ocean, all of this together, resulting in an active cultural life, bringing together the three groups of people in one happy island.
As you can read this island is like an ocean of happiness, wellworth a visit!
Come & discover Zolladapt!
History of Zolladapt (1 discovering land, 2 IR, 3 dead industrie 4 new life)
Almost 250 years ago, a man arrived to an island, it was a beautiful island, with undiscoverd nature, but it was lonely and deserted, in the middle of wide the ocean. The man was alone on the island, and after being there for a while, discovering all the beauty it has to offer, he became lonely and decided to create a very huge robot. He called the island Zolladapt, because they created a duty towards eachother, from now on, they would have to keep eachother alive, this was the beginning of a new era.
Once the robot was activated, the island started to live and give life, more and more. Every day more people came to the island to see the robot in real live, and every day more and more people wanted to live here. The population kept growing and a real living factory-island was born.
The under-water-part of the robot was called Dystopia, a place where you can discover the new, great smell of pollution, creating lots of new colours and perspectives under the waterlevel, deep in the ocean. This region became also very famous for it’s pet, who lives under the water and is just like the inhabtitants of Dystopia feeded with the waste and garbage produced by the robot. It’s really fun to play with him!
High in the sky the robot also created Utopia, an other paradise on the island. Everything there is nice and beautifull, the smoke of the chimneys produces a flower perfume, and makes everyone happy. These people have everything they need, and lots more, but who cares! As long as as they can consume they will be happy!
That’s how live in Zolladapt began, and how it’s still going, and how it will go for ever. The Zolladapters will live long and happily after after.
Personal reviews
1// I’m Jeanne, i’m 87 years old and i live in Dystopia. I’ve always lived on the island, i love it! It is so green, and there are so many factories, i can work all the time, and that makes me happy. When i’m not working, i go to my house under the sea, it so beautiful there, the smoke gives so much colours to the water, and sometimes i play with Ferro, our pet, he’s is so nice to play with! i like my live here, I never want to leave this place, not even for all the money in Broke!
2// hi my name is Hanz, i’m almost 100 (in a few months), I come from Germany, but moved to Zolladapt. I used to work and still do work in the robot, for over 50 years now. It gives me a great feeling, knowing that i am part of keeping our robot alive. I love Dystopia, and i’m happy the robot creates such nice garbage. I’m happy I moved here, and I never want to leave the island anymore, maybe in a few years i would like to change the envirnment a bit, but never go away from the robot, so maybe i can move to reality.. anyway, i’m very happy now, and i will see what the future brings!
3// I’m Kimberly, I am amost 16 years old now, which means i can almost start working in the factory, i’m so excited for my first day at work. I am very curious about what the robot looks like on the inside, but i’m even more motivated to be able to work and give my energy to the robot. But for now, i’m just happy to live on this beautiful island!
4// my name is Evi, i’m a visitor of Zolladapt, I just arrived on the island, and i am looking forward to visit the robot. I can feel a very atmosphere here on the island. I have just visited Dystopia, I can tell you this, I love the way the robot looks under te water and the polltion under water is beatuful. Seeing this made me even more excited to go inside. Let’s go and see!
What about you?
Thursday, June 18, 2009
I hope the last 3 weeks were very productive and that you all have instigating material to show us tomorrow. please do not forget the critical reflexion to our case studies, i.e.
1. touristification through star system architecture in bilbao,
2. gentrification through big international events in barcelona,
3. participatory urban design preventing gentrification in hamburg port area,
industrial heritage:
4. "creative class" as generator for new urban development in leipzig,
5. reconvertion and creation of new identities and landscapes for old coalmine areas.
the schedule is:
in the morning all the 5 groups will show their "islands", main concept, images and texts. we will discuss and evaluate each work, and in the afternoon we will decide how to place them all together in our map format. please bring the final files both in digital and printed format. we will hang everything on the wall.
the design group will show their proposals for corporate id, logo, cover and content display. also the selection of how many and which colours according to the costs presented by the printing shops.
after everything chosen and decided we will share the final production among everyone:
text editing, photo editing, composition, review.
on saturday we have to have the final version ready!
please bring all your files (if photoshop, bring older versions with layers), sketches, computers, USB sticks, extension cables to plug the computers and etc...
I am looking forward for the next session of our Broke
see you tomorrow
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Work for this week
I just wanted to make sure we are all on the same page about what to do for this week. If you remember last time we met we discussed the idea of our map looking like an underwater themed place where the islands are puzzle pieces representing reality, and the Utopia and Distopia are bubbles floating above water. We broke up into 5 groups, each with a different city theme. I believe the 5 groups were Leipzig, Bilbao, Barcelona, Hamburg and the Coal Mines. Try to think of icons to use in a key system, use articles you found, short facts, reviews.....etc. Also, there are images in Daniela's studio in M10 you can use, but it may be better to use images on the computer.
Everyone should work with their group members to create something to add to the group map for this week. Please try to bring these files to class so we can collect them and join them together.
If I forgot anything please add to the blog!!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Diary of the Lost Things
Saturday afternoon in
In the meantime, all is different in the city centre. There are a lot of people walking, laughing or shopping. It is impossible to find a quite place to seat and relax on the street. In the middle of the crowd, one guitarist tries to earn some money. But nobody notice him.
However, a group of girls capture people’s attention. All of them wear colourful and trendy 80’s fashion clothes. They are going to the cinema, ignoring the musician while they shout for joy because they are going to see Zac Efron’s new movie.
Industrial parts of the city are like the guitarist. They are part of the city, but they are deserted, although they have a lot of potential.
By chance, two couples meet each other near the street musician. Attracted by music, their kids start dancing one Beatle’s song. Although their parents try to capture their attention, they stayed there, dancing and having fun.
Finally, one man who has enjoyed the scene, gives a coin to the guitarist.
Like this case, projects like Spinnerei also helps to redevelop industrial areas and tries to reincorporate them to the
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
I have done a mix with photos and regular basic colors. It creates a contrast effect that I think is interesting. Is like the contrast creaed in the post-industrial cities: old buildings mixed with modern art and buildings.
The illustrations are simple to take no role to the text, and at the same time they work like a stetic part of the magazine.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
.post-industrial city
"The rise of post-industrialism changed urban politics. Political brokerage and monumentalism could no longer suffice. Energetic and imaginative policy leadership was required. The new politics faced the task of collecting bits and pieces of the social structure in order to build a vastly more complex city. To do this, policy direction would have to replace laissez faire, and collaboration would be a better substitute for unbridled competition. Post-industrialism also required immense investment from the private sector, whose risks would be mitigated by state guarantees.
The political signs pointed toward corporatism. The drift was gradual, in some cases incomplete, and it was not always susceptible to precise measurement. But the signs were unmistakable, and today they pervade the political mood of the post-industrial city.
One of the conditions of post-industrialism is an increased competition between cities as well as between nations. The post-industrial city represents not only itself, but the aspirations of its nation. Intranational competition results in advantages for jobs and taxes. International competition entails the higher stakes of world power, prestige and leadership. More and more, distinctions are made between military and economic might, and though the post-industrial city can do little to bolster national defense, it epitomizes economic prowess.
Another condition of post-industrialism is the complexity of building a brand new physical environment. Streets, highways, reail terminals, airports, office towers, shopping malls, parks, theaters, museums, houses, hospitals, universities, and research centers need to be constructed with and eye toward the demographics of the 21st century. Construction itself is a straightforward and a matter of technical mastery. The challenge is to accomplish this smoothly while synchronizing an enormous number of transactions. Facilities need to be coordinated, finances need to be secured, and a whole new system of laws needs to be worked out. There emerges a labyrinth of negotiations between buyers and sellers, landlords and tenants, and those about to take possession and those about to be dispossessed.
(...)politicians are handed the consuming taks of making it all work. No longer can the singular role of neutral intermediary be suffecient. To make it happend, politicians and technocrats assume responsibility.
Still a third condition has been the rise of assurer goverment. Politics no longer ends after ribbon-cutting ceremonies. It continues to insure all parties against the risks of change. Investors are given long-term leases with options to buy, tenants are promised priority housing with moderate rents, citizens are provided with open spaces. The single instituition to which the disgruntled turn is the government. Politicians become responsible for the buisness failures, the destruction of community, and the personal dislocations that ensue from the new environment. Despite neoconservative efforts to reduce government, post-industrialism entices its expansion. Issues that at first glance appear resolvable become pregnant with further issues. Involvement begets further involvement and obligations multiply.
Moreover, the obligations put before politicians are often contradictory.
Whatever formula urban politicians have adopted, they must engage the social and economic system. Passive politics and the politician as "caretaker" are absolete. Post-industrial politicians must exercise power on theire own and must harness it to public purpose. These purposes involve a certain amount of planning. It can be short-term, peicemal planning or it can resemble a long-term comprehensive strategy. But once an already built environment is given the challenge of post-industrial change, planning is inevitable. The thrust for change and the planning that ensues from it help generate the policy outputs of the post-industrial city."
Manuel Madureira e Silva
a beach in the middle of Germany

The Cospudener See (sometimes translated as
Getting to Cossi seemed to be quite difficult because of its lack of different transports, there is only a way by tram nº 13 and then by bus nº 65. Slowly we were leaving behind the city of
However, there were always tools which reminded us the city and its activities. As we were moving away of
It is hard to imagine a beach like this in the middle of
Monday, May 25, 2009
Route in Leipzig

Everything is good marked... you only must to follow the arrows... and you will can to have plans for aaaaaaaall the week. ¿On Saturday is the factory closed? Don't worry!!! You can to go to the center and spend your money and time. ¿On Sunday are also the shops closed?... Don't care!! You can to go to waste your day in the zoo!!!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Empty Fields-Exposed
After a two hour ride to Leipzig, I took a tram with two other girls heading towards the BMW factory. The tram brought us to a deserted place where there was a beautiful building. Next to the building stood the flags of every country. I stood there, as an American with a Spanish girl and a Belgian girl and reflected on the connection we have with each other as students, standing under our national symbols. There are so many problems in the world, yet for this unique moment all the problems dissipate in my mind and I only thought of the world's similarities. Each flag represents a nation, a culture and a person. When viewed together all the flags appear uniform-all are rectangular atop a high pole. Yet when in focus one can see the differences between the colors and symbols embroidered on them. I though about this connection while waiting for the bus to come, in the middle of a strange place where there were no other visitors in sight.
Then the bus came taking us to the BMW factory. On the ride there we passed fields full of healthy green grass. Coming from a strictly urban background I marveled in the idea that one could live in a small house with no neighbors in sight, where one could completely disappear. Back in the United States I often see old factories in city centers polluting the sky with clouds of smoke. The factories in the United States can not even compare to the beauty of the BMW factory in Leipzig. The drive there presented many questions. I began to wonder how in Leipzig there are extreme opposites of urbanization from consumerism to suburban farmland in the same vicinity.
When we arrived at the BMW factory, we stepped off the bus into a parking lot filled with cars-most not BMW brand. There were no people in sight. We explored the building designed by Zaha Hadid. It was really very beautiful and complex. We walked around the factory complex taking tons of pictures and had a look at some of their new models. We saw at the most 10 people come and go from the building, probably factory workers.
After the BMW factory we went to the city center to immerse ourselves in the consumerism and urban atmosphere of Leipzig. We watched people shop, eat and have fun. It reminded me a lot of my neighborhood back home on any given day. Except in Leipzig the city center was only a few blocks long and there were probably more people out because it was a Saturday.
In the evening we went to a gallery to have a tour from the curator of a photo exhibition about the fall of the Berlin wall. I thoroughly enjoyed this exhibit and felt a real connection with the people in the photographs. I think it's interesting how even though I was not in Germany during this time and have no physical connection with the event, seeing the personal photographs collected from people around the world helped me to better grasp the emotions the people felt. The photos were arranged in a way that left a lot up to the viewer. As a child in the United States we learn in history class the notion of the Berlin wall but in a way that made it seems so distant and I never completely understood how life for the common person must have been during this time. I think this historical event is often not talked about in the United States with the same integrity as it is here in Germany.
At the end of the day, when the sun had already set, we took the train back to the small town of Weimar. Overall it was a great day and taught me a lot about urbanization in a different setting.
Empty Fields-Exposed
After a two hour ride to Leipzig, I took a tram with two other girls heading towards the BMW factory. The tram brought us to a deserted place where there was a beautiful building. Next to the building stood the flags of every country. I stood there, as an American with a Spanish girl and a Belgian girl and reflected on the connection we have with each other as students, standing under our national symbols. There are so many problems in the world, yet for this unique moment all the problems dissipate in my mind and I only thought of the world's similarities. Each flag represents a nation, a culture and a person. When viewed together all the flags appear uniform-all are rectangular atop a high pole. Yet when in focus one can see the differences between the colors and symbols embroidered on them. I though about this connection while waiting for the bus to come, in the middle of a strange place where there were no other visitors in sight.
Then the bus came taking us to the BMW factory. On the ride there we passed fields full of healthy green grass. Coming from a strictly urban background I marveled in the idea that one could live in a small house with no neighbors in sight, where one could completely disappear. Back in the United States I often see old factories in city centers polluting the sky with clouds of smoke. The factories in the United States can not even compare to the beauty of the BMW factory in Leipzig. The drive there presented many questions. I began to wonder how in Leipzig there are extreme opposites of urbanization from consumerism to suburban farmland in the same vicinity.
When we arrived at the BMW factory, we stepped off the bus into a parking lot filled with cars-most not BMW brand. There were no people in sight. We explored the building designed by Zaha Hadid. It was really very beautiful and complex. We walked around the factory complex taking tons of pictures and had a look at some of their new models. We saw at the most 10 people come and go from the building, probably factory workers.
After the BMW factory we went to the city center to immerse ourselves in the consumerism and urban atmosphere of Leipzig. We watched people shop, eat and have fun. It reminded me a lot of my neighborhood back home on any given day. Except in Leipzig the city center was only a few blocks long and there were probably more people out because it was a Saturday.
In the evening we went to a gallery to have a tour from the curator of a photo exhibition about the fall of the Berlin wall. I thoroughly enjoyed this exhibit and felt a real connection with the people in the photographs. I think it's interesting how even though I was not in Germany during this time and have no physical connection with the event, seeing the personal photographs collected from people around the world helped me to better grasp the emotions the people felt. The photos were arranged in a way that left a lot up to the viewer. As a child in the United States we learn in history class the notion of the Berlin wall but in a way that made it seems so distant and I never completely understood how life for the common person must have been during this time. I think this historical event is often not talked about in the United States with the same integrity as it is here in Germany.
At the end of the day, when the sun had already set, we took the train back to the small town of Weimar. Overall it was a great day and taught me a lot about urbanization in a different setting.
Monday, May 18, 2009
a personal view, by marjan
A sunny day, a great travel, the beginning of the discovery of a redeveloped post-industrial city. With our eyes wide open and our camera ready to shoot, we started our day. Although the city was developed as a post-industrial city, it is noawadays transformed into a commercial and attractive city.
We went there, to look for the roots of the city: so our desteny is clear: industry. After a long tram-ride, we arrived in the Messe-area, where we were waiting for half an hour to get to our final destination: the BMW-factory. The stop in the Messe-area showed us a nice sample of contemporary architecture, offices and congress-centra were rising up from the ground! But since it was a Saturday, the site was deserted. A typical German thing became very clear, people work during the week, and take of in the weekends, this results in a desolated erea. Travelling further to BMW, we took a bus trough the fields surrounding Leipzig, small villages, or even rather groups of houses, rised up in the horizon, and disappeared in the same way they appeared, till we saw the next one rising in the horizon. Finally we arrived at the factory, which was also deserted (since it’s a Saturday). The arrival at the building, designed by Zaha Hadid was pretty nice though. The way she designed the parking lot and the whole site made that the visitor got to see the factory from different angles, but never frontal, since there is not really of frontal side in the facade she designed.
After making a lot of (architectural) photo’s, we returned to the living hart of Leizig, and started mixing ourselves with the comsumers of the city, who keep the hart of the city beating during the day.
After visiting the art/photo gallery, we returned to the city centre. Once we arrived there, we realised, that the living hart of the city started beating on a lower rythm onces the shops are closed. That’s only for a few hours though, because a few hours later the sparking nightlive gave a new boost to the city and that’s when the hart starts beating at a higher rythm again!
Ahora, GRATIS Hotmail en tu móvil ¡Descúbrelo aquí!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
BROKE 3: a magazine on post industrial sexiness
Get ready and take note of the dates:
14 may. 18:30-20:00
15 may. 14:00-16:00
16may. excursion to Leipzig 9-18:00
29, 30 may, from 11:00-18:00
19, 20 june, from 11:00-18:00
public release:
9 july. 18:30-20:00
the list of participants will be open for inscriptions in the first meeting
Monday, February 16, 2009
Broke is available at the Bauhaus Cafe and Kontor shop (M18)
special price: 3,00€
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
broke stocks
Monday, January 26, 2009
broke editorial
You may be asking yourself: what the hell is urban sexiness all about? I have to confess that we don’t know. We speculated around various possibilities and went in different directions, but we agreed on one thing: sexiness provokes desire.
So our starting point was to uncover our own desires. Do you want to try unfolding yourself too? What attracts you to a city? How, by what, and by whom are you seduced? What affects you? Or, to pose the question differently, can you be affected? With what intensity? Or do you prefer to be anesthetized?
Looking at cities through the lenses of our own lived experiences, we drifted through a series of themes that “undress” the relations between the bodies of cities and the cities in the bodies. We looked at them in various ways: politically-engaged, poetically, or ironically. We juxtaposed city marketing and sensorial urbanism: the “spectacularized city”, consumed by mass-tourism and advertised by dubious marketing campaigns, VERSUS the “soft cities” of travelers, where unpredictable situations and hidden mysteries construct personal narratives and sensory memories. We criticized the mainstream and opened space for queer and marginal lifestyles. Moreover, we realized that none of us belongs to only one side of the game.
Molar processes generate product-bodies and city-images, while molecular processes reveal lived-ordinary-bodies and city-experiences. We are affected by both. We continuously dress and undress urban practices and representations through self-actualization. Which means the potential on-going redefinition of ourselves and our lifestyles made through processes of identification and exclusion. Cities are people and people are cities. Urbanism is a mode of being.
Finally, we have to remember that if affection, passion and desire move us, they also move our cities. Therefore, BROKE whishes to foster more affection in the city by fostering affectionate behavior.
That is why BROKE costs 10 KISSES*...
Come to the launch party and get yours!
We hope you also gain some pleasure while reading our magazine.
Daniela Brasil
*Exchange rates available soon at BROKE stock, right here, on this weblog.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Broken processes:processing Broke
Juan Calleros A Dogs Runaway
Juan Calleros is a Mexican artist currently residing in Toronto.