Tuesday, May 26, 2009

a beach in the middle of Germany

The Cospudener See (sometimes translated as Cospuden Lake and also known as the Cossi) is a lake situated south of Leipzig. It is on the site of a former open cast mine. The lake has become highly popular with the local population, with long stretches of sand beaches (mostly nudist, following the East German tradition of public nude bathing) and with a sauna directly located at the lake. There is also a small sailing harbour.

Getting to Cossi seemed to be quite difficult because of its lack of different transports, there is only a way by tram nº 13 and then by bus nº 65. Slowly we were leaving behind the city of Leipzig and getting through the countryside.

However, there were always tools which reminded us the city and its activities. As we were moving away of Leipzig, we could notice how the city was disappearing, until just being some conduction. After more than an hour, we got to the lake.

It is hard to imagine a beach like this in the middle of Germany. The Cospudener See doesn’t only remindus a peaceful beach where you can lay down, it is also a mixture of different possibilities, from sailing to hiking.

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